A man is doing leg stretching exercises.

8 Things You Must Do After Every Workout

Hitting the gym takes work and dedication, but there is more to do when the workout is over. The steps you take after your workout can determine how well you recover and how successful you are next time.


After every workout, there are steps you can take to support your mental and physical health. Whether you have been working up a sweat walking and running on your favorite home treadmill or you just finished your favorite HIIT class, you can bring it all home with these eight post-workout steps.

Eight Steps to Take After Every Workout

Your body and mind work together to recover after a workout. Taking a little extra time to relax your muscles, hydrate, and prepare for your next session will help you to be successful. Following these post-workout steps will allow you to get more out of every workout session!

A woman is doing Yoga.

1. Stretch Tense Muscles Out With Stretching Exercises

A workout exercises the muscles, sometimes impacting parts of your body that you don't use often. When you finish up your workout and start to wind down, stretching exercises can really help. Not only will stretching exercises help your tense muscles to relax, but they can also help you to recover and feel less sore in the days to come. Focus on stretching exercises that support the parts of your body that you used during your workout.

2. Enjoy a Post-Workout Hydration Drink

Supporting post-workout recovery means giving your body what it lost. Since most people sweat when they work out, it is very easy to lose water. Given the fact that water levels influence every system in our bodies, a post-workout hydration drink is very important. 


The type of hydration drink you choose will depend based on your needs. For a mild-to-moderate workout, standard water might be fine. However, you can always do better with a more dedicated hydration drink. True hydration drinks often have essential vitamins and electrolytes to help you absorb the water your body needs.

3. Massage Sore Muscles to Encourage Blood Flow

Depending on the nature of your workout, you may be fairly focused on one specific muscle or muscle group. Concentrated exercises like this can lead to tension, inflammation, and soreness. Fortunately, massages can help.


A post-workout massage is a wonderful way to help your muscles relax. It also makes it very easy to stimulate blood flow to specific areas. When this happens, your body is more likely to have a successful recovery period.

A man is watching books.

4. Practice Self-Care for Relaxation

Even if you love working out, it still places strain on the body and the mind. Following up your workout with a little self-care time can really make a world of difference for recovery. By taking the time to do something you enjoy, you can relax your heart rate and allow your body to recover more comfortably.


There Are Many Forms of Self-Care, Including:

● Reading

● Journaling

● Meditating

● Taking a long bath

● Playing a favorite game

● Following a relaxing routine

● Spending time on a personal hobby

5. Cool Down Your Body

Workout cooldowns stimulate recovery as you start to wind down. These practices involve dropping the difficulty level of your workout or adding in something less strenuous. Walking or post-workout yoga can both be highly beneficial for slowing your heart rate. It allows you to cool down without bringing your body to a full and sudden stop.


Of course, you can always cool down in a physical sense too. Since working out makes you hot and sweaty, enjoy a cool drink and try to find a cool place to wind down!

6. Supplement Your Body Using Magnesium

Workout supplements are everywhere. If you decide to add something simple to your post-workout recovery, magnesium is a great option. This supplement can support flexibility and help your muscles to loosen up after being stimulated. This helps with cramping, tightness, and discomfort.

7. Go Through Your Post-Workout Cleaning Routine

Working out can leave you feeling pretty filthy, especially on days when you give your all. Knowing how to clean up after a workout can keep you healthy and comfortable.


After a sweaty workout session, it is always best to wash yourself and your clothes. A shower will remove sweat, dirt, and even bacteria acquired from visiting public gyms. Washing your clothes will help you to avoid infections, remove unpleasant odors, and keep your clothes fresh for future sessions.

8. Take Time to Reflect on Your Progress

You put in the work and did a challenging physical activity. Now, you can take some time to consider what you learned. By reflecting on your experience and what you accomplished, you can set yourself up for success. Look for areas of improvement and areas where you still need to practice. Most importantly, reflect on your victories, and celebrate them!

How you navigate the minutes and hours after your workout can support recovery and performance. By following up a workout with support for your body and mind, you can be more successful. These self-care tips are here to get you started.

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